Top Keto Supplements to Support Fat Burning

Top Keto Supplements to Support Fat Burning – Dr. David Jockers

Everybody this is Dr. David Jockers and today I’m talking about the top keto supplements to support fat burning. So when we look at nutritional success on a ketogenic diet, I really think 80 to 90 percent of it is based on your diet, your lifestyle, how you control stress, how you sleep, your exercise levels and, of course, really staying compliant with you know, a ketogenic diet that fits for your body type. I think that’s, you know, 80 to 90 percent. I think supplements can help you up to 20%. So you know I’m sure some of you guys listening are gonna, be like oh, is he just trying to promote supplements? No, I’m not. I think supplements can really be a helpful tool.

I personally use supplements on a regular basis. My family uses supplements. But again, diet and lifestyle, that’s 80. In many cases, 90 percent of your results are gonna be based on the diet and lifestyle.

However, you can get additional benefits from provide, basically bringing in the right supplements that are gonna meet your needs and meet your your or basically help push you towards your health goals, and so the key supplements I’m going to talk about here.

Mct oil, keto protein powders, SCT oil, exogenous ketones Jenna, curbs digestive support, supplements, thyroid support, supplements and mitochondrial support supplements so bear with me this presentation.

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I’m gonna try to go through all of this, but I also do have a great article that goes with this video, so it’s right there’s. A link below this video so be sure to check that out, so you can get more information now ways to increase ketone production fasting.

I’m, a huge advocate of intermittent and also extended fasts. So, as I am doing this video, I did. I only ate one meal in the last two days, so it’s, basically 24-hour fasts, which is a great intermittent fasting strategy, one meal a day or o mod, and that’s, a great way to boost up your ketones, because your Body doesn’t, have you know it? Doesn’t have a consistent source of glucose, so it starts breaking down your own body.

Fat to produce ketones are obviously a ketogenic diet. Well formulated ketogenic diet. A lot of videos on this high-intensity exercise, so I’m, actually gonna work out after this video, it’ll, probably be around 12 o’clock.

My time when I do that and I haven’t eaten, since I think I finished you know, Mar meal yesterday, 2 or 3 o’clock, so you know 20 plus hour fast and then doing a high intensity workout. That’s gonna really help my body stimulate ketone, production, coffee or caffeine actually can help drive up the ampk pathway, which is basically an energetic stress pathway that then the body goes into it says: okay, I need to create more energy, but I Don’t have fuel reserves, so I need to go into the fat, so I’ll, start breaking down this fat and creating ketones, so that’s.

Basically, what happens? Mct oil and exogenously tones can also be very, very helpful here and so let’s start with MCT oil. So we look at the ketones here in this image at the top acetone seto, acetic acid and then beta hydroxy be Taric acid, which is not technically a ketone, but it’s.

You know an ester, but that that we mainly are testing in our blood. The acetone is what we breed out. So if you’re using a key tonics or a level machine to test your ketone levels, it’s. It’s, the acetone you’re looking at and then the Osito acetic acid is urine series of urine strips.

So when we look at your MCTS, we know that basically, these are fats that are going to be between eight and twelve carbon chains in length. Okay and your Creek and your caprylic, you’re, basically eight and 10 carbon chain fats.

These ones are the most ketogenic lauric acid is not as ketogenic doesn’t turn into ketones, as quickly does need to go to does need by emulsification and lipase in order to break down. So it doesn’t, get absorbed as quickly as these other fatty acids.

So coconut oil is, you know, basically 50 % boric acid. So, although coconut oil is coconuts in general, are the the top food for medium-chain fatty acids? They contain more of these than any other food.

It’s. Still, not a you know, purified source of ncts, so I do recommend consuming coconuts in coconut fat, coconut milk and coconut butter and coconut flakes. Something like that. If you look at the recipes on my website, you’ll, see tons and tons of recipes using coconut.

However, it’s, not going to be as ketogenic boost up ketones as quickly as an MCT oil. That’s, concentrated to where you have the 8 and 10 carbon chain, fats, acrylic, acid, and that’s. Where you can get.

You know just a purified MCT oil, which has been shown to help lower your blood sugar increase nutrient absorption and access, and naturally I’d like a bowl, so really good. In fact, there’s, a MCT oil diet really good for for kids with seizures, for example, people with epilepsy and different that’s.

A seizure is really good for that, but you can also add in MCT oils, to help with fat burning, to improve your athletic performance. Great for energy. Great for controlling appetite as ketones are very satiating so that they provide this remarkable satiation, which makes you just not feel as hungry and not eating to snacking and over eat, and things like that, so MCT oil can be a really really great thing to use.

On a ketogenic diet, so one of the things that people really start with when they they start looking at supplements or that ketogenic diet is using some sorta MCT oil and you can also get really good bone broth proteins.

I’m. A huge fan of some sort of a collagen or bone broth protein. The reason why is that in our society we’re eating a lot of muscle, meats and muscle needs have certain amino acids like tryptophan and methionine in them, but they don’t have as much of other amino acids like glycine and Prolene and so we eat too much muscle meats compared to organ meats and connective tissue meats.

We end up basically creating an imbalance in these amino acids, which promotes inflammation or ancestor ate a lot of connective tissue. They ate a lot of organ meats right, and so they, the cup, that collagenous parts of animal products and today’s society.

We really don’t favor. Those were you know. Most people are just never eating them, and so we can actually support our system with. You know something like these protein powders. So I use this keto maple protein powder.

It’s, caffeine, free right there at the top pretty much almost every day, and I make a big keto shake with avocados in there and some raw, grass-fed milk or coconut milk in there, and this actually has MCT oils in it and also have Some data genetic herbs – it has digestive support nutrients, so that’s.

Why? I really really like it and it’s, not like super high in protein, so it’s, 15 grams and a scoop. I usually use two scoops when I’m, making my shake, but it’s, got a lot of MCTS right to support ketone production, it’s, got the collagen protein now the chocolate.

I will tell you tastes absolutely incredible, but it also does have some caffeine in it that coffee bean extract, which you know, can obviously support your energy and your ketone production. But you know sometimes I don’t always want that so mostly using the maple, which is caffeine, free, but the chocolate is incredible, and sometimes I will use that tastes amazing, but these are great protein powders.

You know again this, even though we’re talking about supplements presentation, you don’t absolutely need any of these supplements, but they can really support your journey, and these are great ones to be utilizing now: AMC q! Well, how do we, how do we kind of dose it properly? This is important to understand.

Okay. So if you take too much mc2 L too quickly, you definitely can get digestive cramping and diarrhea so for non sensitive people, so some people are more sensitive than others. You’ll know you’re sensitive because you’re sensitive to other things right, so you’re like you, you know that you react to certain foods or when you consume something new, you tend to have More digestive complaints that’s, a sensitive person, okay, not as a person as somebody that just doesn’t.

Typically, you know notice any difference with food or or trying new things. So if you’re, not insensitive, you begin with just one teaspoon daily for the first week. If you feel fine with this, then add in a teaspoon each week until you either have GI issues or you find a good zone.

Typically, two to four teaspoons per day is great and really help fuel your kid or journey, so that’s, really what you’re! Looking for sensitive people, you just begin with a half a teaspoon all right and see.

You know what you notice for the first week: okay, so if you’re able to tolerate a half a teaspoon great, then you can add another half teaspoon, so go into 1 teaspoon after the first week. Okay, until again, you get into that comfortable range that works for your body.

Now, SCP Wells is a newer product short chain triglyceride oil, which also has conjugated linoleic acid, also provides butyrate, which butyrate is a short change from this rod and so basically short chain.

Fats are fats between two and six carbon chains, okay, so we talked about how the eight and ten and the twelve, where the mCP is two and six are gonna, be the SE TS, okay, and so you, this helps to lower inflammation, improves fat burning.

Very easy on the body a lot of same benefits as MCT oil difference here is a CTL. Both are more highly ketogenic. Okay, SQL is made from grass-fed butter, so they concentrate the short chain fats from the butter.

Okay and it’s. In more of a buttery type of form, rather than an oil or a powder which is what MC pol comes in it’s, either oil form liquid form or a powder form and s. He through also has fat soluble vitamins, whereas MC team is not so fat soluble vitamins are giving things like vitamin A particularly fat soluble retinol, which you know we find in things like egg yolk, grass-fed butter stuff like that.

But we really don’t find that in carrots, carrots have a precursor called beta carotene, but our best form of vitamin A is actually the fat soluble form that we find in liver, cod, liver oil, so different organ meats, egg, yolk, fed butter.

For example, will concentrated forms of vitamin A vitamin D is in this. You have vitamin E and you have vitamin k2, so real powerful nutrients also contains a lot of minerals, no minerals and MCT oil.

So a lot of people like the SCT oil, better, the MCT because of you, know those those additional benefits, and you can. You can certainly cook with this oil. You can use it in replacement of butter or ghee, okay and it ‘

S concentrated to where it doesn’t have the casein or the way. So if you have a dairy sensitivity, you should be fine with the SCT oil and so because it’s again, concentrated doesn’t, have the inflammatory, proteins or lactose that a lot of people react negatively to.

You can put this in smoothies. I don’t, prefer it in smoothies. You can put it in coffee. You know, instead of crash that butter, you can put it in your bone. Broth can work really well bone broth. So basically, the way I use it is typically to put it on melt it into steamed vegetables.

So if I make a bunch of broccoli or cauliflower melting it in there is great and that’s. How I’ll, typically use it. Now things Audrina’s; ketones; okay, a lot of controversy on exogenous ketones in the ketone world.

Okay, what do they do? Let’s start with that, but I got to teach the body at a keto adapt so and we have these ketones that mimic our bodies beta-hydroxybutyrate. It starts telling the body hey there’s.

There’s, an additional fuel source available, let’s, start to up, regulate certain enzymes and cofactors that allow us to use this for energy. So just the presence of ketones is going to help your body move into a process for it’s more keto adapted.

It also can slightly lower your blood sugar and it does lower your insulin levels too, and that’s. Important to understand, because a lot of people are trying to apply, you know ketogenic principles, but just utilize of different underlying issues.

They have higher insulin so taking some exogenous, ketones can actually help reduce lower down that insulin, which is going to help their body actually breakdown. Its own body fat, because your body as long as insulin is elevated, you’re, not going to be able to.

You know, produce ketones at a really high level. So it’s, important to get that insulin down, and they can just give you an energy boost really a most anytime, a mental boost, okay and also satiety. So you know you’re, reducing cravings and things like that, which could be really really important, especially as people first get started with a ketogenic approach.

Now there’s, a lot of myths out there about exotic as ketones one myth is. They block your ability of produce ketones a lot of people think that that, if you take ketones, you can’t produce your own ketones.

That’s, not true. They actually help teach the body to better use, ketones produced from body fat and dietary fat, its main fuel source. Now, if you’re, just chugging ketones all day long sure your body’s.

Gon na use those ketones before it gets into its own body fat to produce that so it’s as oxidative priority. It’s. Gon na use the ketones we’re taking in you know that from the supplement before on body fat, but we just use it once you know per day let’s say that’s.

Gon na teach the body, especially in early stages, when you’re first trying to get keto adapted that we can use these ketones for fuel. Well, we’ll use these and will up regulate certain enzymatic pathways, so we can be better at using these ketones.

So we’re teaching the body to use it’s like riding your bike on training wheels. Okay. So if you’re, just try a ketogenic diet, it’s, like you know, expecting your child to just start riding their bike.

All of a sudden it can be uncomfortable, they could fall a lot. You know, maybe eventually they’ll learn, but it can be challenging along the way, as opposed to, if you put them on training, wheels and got them started there, and once they got confident with that, then took the training wheels away and their body Was in a sense, if your body can now it’s, it’s.

It’s, got the metabolic machinery to use these ketones for to break down our own body fat, to use to form it into ketones and use it for energy, so that’s. Myth number one myth number two: is that ketones allow you to eat what, where you want, and you’ll still be in ketosis and by definition.

That is true, because nutritional ketosis is simply having your ketones above 0.5 millimoles per liter. So, by definition, myth number two is true, but you’re, really not going to get the benefits, because if you’re consuming a high carbohydrate diet, you’re still.

Gon na have elevated blood, sugar and elevated insulin, which is going to promote inflammation in your body, and the ketones can like slightly buffer. Some of that. But the reality is you &. # 39 re still going to be generate at a high clip, so you’re, not going to get the benefits.

If you’re doing this, if you’re eating, you know pumpkin pie ice cream all day, and you know candy bars all day long and you are just taking ketones expecting that that’s, going to solve your problems, Not sure, okay, you need to diet.

I taught I started this whole presentation. Saying 80 to 90 percent of your results on a ketogenic diet are based on your diet, your lifestyle right that’s. What it’s, all about key ketones or any sort of supplement, can only provide about 10 to 20 percent of the benefits you know are basically 10 percent 10 to 20 percent.

Push towards your your health goals, but that can be important. You know for many of us that’s, that’s; it’s worth it. So why take exhaust ketones again fat loss really helps improve your body’s. Ability to burn fat can help you with physical performance so helping you just work out at a higher intensity.

You don’t need as much oxygen working out at those intensities. You feel better. I feel stronger, really good for mental function. Performances things like that and then also they can also help with just longevity, having a good amount of ketones in your system to be really really helpful for longevity in general.

Now, if you’re, getting an exhaust ketone product, this is important. You want to make sure you’re, getting a bhp salt solution, so you ‘ Ve got basically beta-hydroxybutyrate attached to different salts, magnesium, calcium, sodium, okay, potassium things like that.

So you get the salt solution. You can just view it just straight. Bhp salts, but you ‘ Ll, see the green curve there. It gets high quicker quickly, but then it drops down faster. Okay, you can do a PHP with MC t and you’ll, see okay, you get the best rise and at the same time it stays high or longer that’s, important okay and then, of course, you can do MCT oil and You get a rise okay, but not as high as the ketones, and then it drops down pretty quickly.

So it’s important to understand here, because you know, obviously we want to get the best rise and prolonged rise. So this is saying that PHP is with MC. Ql is going to give us the best rise here so when to consume it again as a pre-workout, you can also consume it when fasting.

To help with you know, you’re, just prolonging your fast at times associated you’re new to it. You can do it in the morning for increased energy and mental clarity. A lot of people do that or replace breakfast with exhaustion.

Speed tone: MCT oil powder supplement before stressful activity to be really powerful before stressful activity, like a presentation, for example, or if you’re in school, a test can really help your performance mentally physically right emotionally, it can really help you and then you Certainly can take it again, you look back to that myth, but you can’t think it with a higher carbohydrate meal to maintain blood ketone levels, okay, and it will help to reduce the amount of insulin and reduce your blood sugar.

So it can be helpful to use if you’re cycling out of ketosis but again eating a high carbohydrate meals in general. Just doing that, all the time it’s not going to get you the results of ketosis, so just important to remember that my favorite ketone supplement is keto edge that I personally formulated.

This also has the advantage of having powerful, adaptogenic mushrooms, cordyceps reishi lion’s, mane, which is really good for the brain. It’s. Gon na hold a number of different six powerful adaptogenic mushroom cop in there to help you as well as the exactness Ketones, got the MC keys to get the best boost and maintaining that rise.

It also has branch chain amino acids, really really good for pre-workout. You know it’s, pretty much when I use this really. I see huge improvements with strength with the amount of oxygen that I need doing: a ketogenic diet, lifestyle intermittent fasting as well as using that product and so adaptogens.

You know I started talking about that things like reishi, mushroom, cordyceps right. These are powerful herbs or mushrooms that allow our body to adapt to stress with more resiliency. We, we feel stronger through stress, taking these as opposed to our body being overwhelmed by stress.

So you have things like ginseng rhodiola, holy basil and ashwagandha. I’m, a huge fan, and I use these on a regular basis, in fact that Kido protein powder that I talked about has ashwagandha in it has reishi in it.

The keto edge that I was just talking about has reishi lion’s. Mane cordyceps, as king trumpet has shiitake and something else that I’m, forgetting, but but it’s got powerful mushroom compounds that will support your body.

So I definitely recommend using those on a ketogenic diet and lifestyle to help support you and get that extra 10 to 20 %. Now electrolytes electrolytes can also be powerful and really. The reason why electrolytes are so important is that we ‘

Ll run a low carb diet, we actually decrease. Our insulin goes down. An insulins job is to hold on to electrolytes, particularly sodium. It’s, one of its key things that it does is. It creates more retention in sodium and when you retain sodium, you retain water, and so, when insulin goes down, you’re gonna lose sodium.

You’re gonna lose water and you can easily get electrolyte deficient, so it’s, important that we are taking electrolytes. Now, personally, I recommend just getting these from foods, so I don’t think we necessarily need the supplement with electrolytes as much as we need to eat.

Electrolyte rich foods trace mineral rich when we are eating food here are the best sea vegetables. So like seaweeds and kelp, and things like that really great, very rich and trace minerals, wild-caught fish.

So, while caught sockeye salmon sardines, you know different things like that can be really powerful fermented foods, kimchi, sauerkraut pickles, really good for this dark: green leafy vegetables, avocados, pasture-raised, eggs, pink salt, so like Himalayan sea salt, Redmon’s, real salt really rich in Trace minerals, broths, so bone broth or vegetable broth can be really good.

Olives, olives are very rich and trace minerals and we always talk about the benefits of ally, olive oil, the poly phenolic compounds in there, but olives are really really great, really great fruit for the body, a lot of people that say or think on a ketogenic diet.

You can’t eat any fruit, but actually avocado is a fruit. Olives are a fruit, lemons and limes are a fruit. These are all you know, very ketogenic foods, grass-fed butter or ghee and grass-fed meats. So there we’re consuming these throughout the day or when we are consuming meals and salting our foods to taste.

We should be able to provide the electrolytes that we need in some cases. You know we certainly at times you know extra magnesium. Maybe extra potassium can be helpful, but in general we should be getting a lot of this stuff from these foods here now this wines probably a little harder to see and it’s very in-depth, okay, but the article that goes with this video kind Of walks you through how to improve your digestive health, and so you know we have to adjust the dysfunction.

You may have a low stomach acid. You may have poor bowel flow, you may have poor digestion, enzyme activity, and so what you know definitely check out the article that goes with this video, because I kind of walk you through how to know what what is going on, what sort of like home tests You can do and then what lab tests will help determine what you need.

You need more stomach acid. Do you need more digestive enzymes need more bile. It’s. Gon na help walk you through that it’s. Gon na walk you through you know, lifestyle strategies help support that okay, now digestive enzymes, something I take every day.

I think I just events are just you know really helpful, because digestion itself is very stressful activity and more stress we can take off the gut. The better our body is itself at producing digestive enzymes and stomach acids, and things like that and a myth is that if we take digestive enzymes, our body will stop producing its own digestive enzymes and that’s.

Definitely not true at all. In fact, taking digestive enzymes helps your body produce digestive its own digestive enzymes? The reason why is it takes stress off the digestive system. Stress is the antagonist to good digestion.

The less stress you are when you eat the better. You’re gonna be able to produce digestive enzymes, stomach acid and bile, and so digestive enzymes help move the meter. They help to reduce the amount of stress on your gut.

So you’re gonna be able to digest your food better, very anti-inflammatory. Okay, they’re, very good for helping you absorb nutrients more effectively, supporting your microbiome, ok, so helping them use food sensitivities and allergies, and all these so huge fan of enzymes and then also doing things to help support your stomach acid levels.

You know I’m. A big fan of doing liquid nutrition, so intermittent fasting is powerful and then also like for me personally in the days when I’m eating two meals, one of those meals is a big keto. Protein shake okay, and so I use my keto protein powder.

I was talking about this earlier. Avocado is maybe some coconut milk or grass-fed raw milk, or something along those lines. That’s, really easy, because a blender is done, the digestive it’s done the digestion is broken it down.

It’s easier on my system, so less stress again the less stress on your gut, the better you’re gonna have the better you’re gonna digest. You can also use herbs like ginger is really powerful. Peppermint things like that, okay, so these carminative herbs, lemon apple, cider, vinegar lines are good too.

You put it in water, put them on food. This is this one. Most people don’t really know as much about it. Super hydrating, outside of meals, but drinking very little with meals you don’t want to consume a lot of water with meals because it will dilute your digestive juices.

Okay, so you don’t want that you, your stomach, to get really a really strong ph. You know it needs to drop from about 3.5 at rest on the pH scale to between 1.5 and 2 points. You got to produce a lot of acid to really break down meat effectively.

So if you’re drinking a lot of water with that, you’re gonna dilute it, because water is more like a 7.0 pH. So you’re gonna dilute your acid, and you’re, not going to digest your meal as well, pull it off on water after a meal, so don’t drink much for at least an hour after your meal.

Then, after that, you start to hydrate your body. Well, so once the food moves through your stomach in the first part of your small intestine, it’s, really, where you’re produced the massive amount of digestive enzymes and bio.

Now you can start hitting the water okay, so usually it takes about an hour, a big meal. Maybe 90 minutes. Okay, now you can start hydrating well now eating protein foods at the beginning of the meal.

So if you have meat and vegetables, a lot of people think eat the vegetables first, but actually you won’t eat the meat first, because the meat men will get to the bottom of the stomach. Okay, if you think about gravity, the bottom of the stomach is where the most advising produces acid.

It’s. Gon na concentrate more towards the bottom, so you want that. Okay, that’s actually going to the meats going to spend more time bathing in the acid we don’t. We need more acid for the meat than we do for the vegetables of course, so it’s.

Gon na help that now using fermented, veggies, okay, sauerkraut right things like that. Pickles can really support good stomach acid production using fermented drinks so coconut a lot of kefir or kombucha.

You know not too much because you have some sugar in them, but apple cider, vinegar, for example, good fermented drink that you can use cabbage juice. Things like that can help support stomach acid and then eating your largest meal when your most relaxed we talk about stress, is the antagonist to good digestion.

So this is gonna really help your body, priests. The right amount of stomach acids, where I’m gonna, buy all the right amount of digestive enzymes, so very important to do that now. Next thing I want to discuss was thyroid.

Okay. I see this all the time. A lot of people. In fact, thyroid issues of the most condition for for adults, particularly dull women, and so, if you have unexplained weight gain, if you’re having menstrual fertility problems, dry, flaky skin, if you’re tired of the Teague muscle, soreness and pain, Poor concentration and memory constipation also is not listed here and then high cholesterol levels, often times it’s, actually a thyroid underlying thyroid issue that has gone undiagnosed, okay, and so you can get the right testing most clinical doctors are not doing it, but You can find functional medicine clinicians that will write to run the right thyroid testing to really find it.

This is a root cause of any of those problems that you may be having you know, if you can’t find somebody in your area or if you’d, like to work with my team, we do offer the complete thyroid report, Which is exactly what you need here are the key labs that my myself and my team look at with clients to help analyze our thyroid function.

We’re gonna look at their free components, as well as their ballade components of thyroid hormone. We’re gonna look at their antibodies. We’re, going to look at reverse t3, which is an inactive form of t3.

We’re, going to look at thyroid binding globulin. We’re gonna look at your vitamin D levels, which is very important for this. We’re gonna look at your complete blood count, liver enzymes, full chemistry tasks.

We’re gonna get homocysteine, which is a good measure of methylation. We’re, going to look at inflammation, such as C reactive protein high sensitivity panel iron panel, ferritin, magnesium levels, b12 fasting insulin.

So this test really really helps us understand. If you do have a thyroid issue or not, and if you do you can support it, you can support it with a thyroid medication or a thyroid bioidentical like armor thyroid or nature thyroid, and we also use one that’s made from bovine.

So so grass-fed cows, as opposed to Pig, which is what the armor or the nature thyroid, is using porcine or pig. And so we use the the bovine cow form glandular in this, as well as support of nutrients, iodine, selenium and different herbs that are really supportive.

For t4, t3 production and utilization and conversion so t4 is an inactive form of thyroid hormone has to convert to active t3. This product helps with production of enough thyroid hormone, and then conversion into the active form of thyroid hormone to be used by the body started.

Strong really helpful, and then I want to finish up with just mitochondrial dysfunction, because the mitochondria is really. You know that’s, that’s where we produce the energy. This is where we burn the ketones and produce cellular energy and so mitochondrial dysfunction when the mitochondria within each cell get damaged.

This is late with all these different issues: developmental delays, autism, cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s, epilepsy cardiomyopathy might have caught our muscular distrophy learning disabilities. Lou Gehrig’s harder now, jaws armours right.

So all these different conditions that we see happening in our society related to mitochondrial dysfunction, heart disease, diabetes, neurodegenerative conditions in the brain and actually cancer as well.

It’s not listed here, but we know cancer is a metabolic disease with classified with mitochondrial dysfunction as well. So we definitely want to support our mitochondria. We want them to be functioning properly so from a nutritional perspective in general, ketogenic, diet, healthy lifestyle and incorporating intermittent and sometimes extended fasting is one of the best things you can do for your mitochondria, because it stimulates something called my top achieve before the body breaks Down these older damaged, mitochondrion forms new, healthy mitochondria, but here are powerful nutrients support your mitochondria alpha, lipoic acid, omega threes.

You know glucosamine and a pseudo cysteine to help boost up glutathione creatine, you know create things like a bad connotation for a lot of people, because it’s used for building muscle, I use creatine for muscle building, but also to support my metric Andreea.

My ability to preach energy, cellular energy creatine to be powerful for that resveratrol, quercetin, green tea, NAB, really powerful, CTL, carnitine and coenzyme q-10, so really really powerful stuff here to help support the body.

So we actually created a supplement has all these things in it? It’s called my toe support, so when we see people with mitochondrial dysfunction, we put them on the might of support, provide all these key nutrients that they need right support their body and obviously it’s.

Gon na play a role in their brain, the cardiovascular, health and cellular energy production, so so that’s, a powerful supplement as well. So I talked about a lot of stuff today, guys I want to go back to just you know the beginning of this presentation here, real quick for you guys, you guys probably jumped on laid miss this, but what I was saying is that basically Aikido you know For to hit your health goals, it’s, gonna be 80 to 90 percent diet.

Lifestyle supplements are gonna be up to 20 percent. Okay, that can make a big difference for me. Supplements play a huge role in my overall health. I do diet, lifestyle and supplements, so I can perform at my best, so I could be the best father, the best husband, the best doctor, the best business owner, the best human being that I can possibly be so you know if you want to take your game To the next level, pick one or two of these things right read the article that goes along with this and find the supplements that you feel like is gonna.

You know are gonna that you want to try first at least and see if they move the needle for you good supplements. You should be able to feel the difference, and you know that’s, that if you can, that’s, gonna really be a needle mover for you.

So hopefully this is a good presentation that you guys enjoyed it. You got a lot out of it be sure to check out the article that goes with it. So you get a more detailed explanation and really understand this further guys have a great day be blessed everybody, and we’ll, see you soon.

Bye, bye,

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