Keto Metabolic Breakthrough

Hey! Great to be with everybody virtually today. And today’s presentation is on Keto Metabolic Breakthrough, which is a book that I recently published. It’s, gotten rave reviews you can get it on Amazon or at your local bookstores. And really the goal with this book was to create a troubleshooting guide for people as they go through not only to understand the benefits of the ketogenic diet and lifestyle, but also how to troubleshoot challenges that may they may come across when it comes to different hormones like thyroid hormones, sex hormones, adrenal hormones, also digestive challenges like stomach acid levels, bio flow, pancreatic enzymes. So I go through all of that in detail in the book and in this presentation I’m gonna really touch on a lot of those things and give you guys some really great strategies, so you can get the most out of a Ketogenic template and a ketogenic lifestyle. And so when we look at what’s happening in our society today, most people are suffering with some level of insulin: resistance, an insulin resistance.

I’m gonna actually show you several diagrams and what that looks like. But here are some symptoms that you may be dealing with insulin resistance. If you tend to be overweight and struggle to lose weight, those are classic signs of insulin resistance. Insulin is a fat storage hormone, it tells the body to store fat for fuel and, as long as insulin is elevated in the bloodstream, you are not going to be able to burn fat for fuel. You also may end up having a large appetite and oftentimes craving sweets after meals. So you have a meal, but you just need something sweet afterwards.

That can oftentimes be a sign of insulin resistance and you never really get rid of your cravings. You’re constantly, wanting something sweet that’s, oftentimes a sign of insulin resistance. And then there are other conditions like for women oftentimes they’ll, develop PCOS, polycystic ovarian syndrome, which is actually high testosterone, high insulin and high testosterone for women. They also may develop endometriosis, because insulin will also trigger higher estrogen levels and it can create estrogen dominance, and that can be an issue. And also for men, they can end up developing what we call andropause, which is elevated estrogen, low testosterone. So insulin resistance does not elevate testosterone, in men, it elevates estrogen, and so we get this process of aromatization where we convert our testosterone into estrogen, which then can create things like like male breast building.

Actually, then, men start to develop somewhat somewhat develop breasts and they get a larger stomach as well. So they end up with a lot of abdominal fat. Skin tags are another big one. Acne. These are commonly associated with insulin, resistance, high blood pressure, high triglycerides, high LDL, low HDL right.

Those are all associated again with insulin resistance. Now what happens is when we eat sugar carbohydrates, some sort of sugar or starch that is converted into glucose in our bloodstream and that glucose, if it gets too high it’s toxic for our body.

In fact, it creates something called an advanced glycation end product, which is an AG II, which accelerates the aging process and high blood. Sugar is like shrapnel going through the bloodstream, damaging the blood vessels, creating basically scar tissue on those blood vessels.

What we call arteriosclerosis and also it will damage the kidneys it’s like shrapnel going through the kidneys as well mean think about somebody that’s, an uncontrolled diabetic. They end up with peripheral neuropathy because because the high blood sugar damages the nerves, they end up with cardiovascular disease and they also end up with kidney failure right and that’s again, because the sugar is damaging different tissues of the body.

So the body makes insulin in order to get the sugar and funnel it into the cells to keep the sugar levels in the blood under control and get the sugar in the cells where it can be used for energy. But once we already have too much in the cell, the cell starts becoming resistant okay and we start putting it into our fat cells, an increasing fat storage and insulin.

When it’s elevated, it tells the body not to break down fat for fuel because again it’s about storage and so over time. When we continually elevate our blood glucose, we end up not being able to get the glucose into cells effectively, and this is kind of what it looks like here.

You’ve got a normal cell where you’ve got these insulin receptors and they are grabbing up sugar and putting it into the cells. But when you have an insulin resistance cell, a lot of those receptors become damaged and dysfunctional, and so now you have less active receptors that are able to bring sugar in.

So you have more sugar left outside of the bloodstream and in some cases you get the sugar out of the bloodstream. Like your fasting blood, sugar could look good. However, you have elevated fasting insulin, and that is a big issue.

So if you have elevated fasting insulin, that’s, a big problem as well, and that’s, a sign or earlier sign of insulin resistance would be elevated, fasting insulin but low or normal blood sugar. So that is a big issue, and so we’ve got to address that and basically in the presence of insulin when we consume carbohydrates and fat, its converted into body fat.

So we have higher levels of insulin. We are creating body fat when our insulin is down. We’re burning body fat, and so we know insulin also again increases inflammation in the body it activates. All the inflammatory gene pathways down regulates Liberty, toxification pathways.

We’re, not able to really go through our full liver detoxification and get rid of potentially toxic substances. We also end up with higher blood pressure. The the blood vessels lose their elasticity, which is an issue we also retain sodium, which can also end up, causing us to retain more water and increasing our blood pressure.

Again, with cholesterol, we see a rise in LDL, a lowering of HDL and a higher amount of triglycerides that’s. What we call the terrible triad. Okay, I’m, not really overly concerned with what many people consider a higher cholesterol, cholesterol of 250 or 300 as long as our LDL to HDL ratio is three to one or better right, so, two to one three to one somewhere in that range.

Like if our cholesterol was 250, but we had 180 LDL and 70 HDL, that’s great, because that’s like a two and a half to one ratio, LDL to HDL it’s, a great ratio and our triglycerides Are let’s say they’re 80 right, so we always want our triglyceride HDL ratio to be two or less two or less and ideally close to one meaning.

One part triglyceride, one part HDL. Okay, so you know again, if you’ve got your age shells around 70. You want your triglycerides to be roughly around 70 somewhere in that range. If it’s under 2, that’s good.

If it’s close to 1, that’s ideal. When it comes to triglycerides HDL ratio, also neurotransmitters will be regulated by insulin. So when you have insulin resistance, oftentimes, we we end up with serotonin resistance and – and we can edit with mood disorders like depression or GABA resistance, where we can end up with issues with anxiety right.

These can be common issues and also dopamine resistance. Where we end up with with more addictive behaviors and a lowered ability to feel pleasure right, and so many people are out there, dealing with these kind of issues and very much associated with insulin overall, and so this is where a ketogenic diet really comes in.

We know that a traditional diet ends up creating higher insulin, because again the insulins job is to bring the sugar into the cell to be used for energy and so Akito diet. When glucose and insulin Falls now the body says, oh, I can burn fat.

So insulin has to be low in order for our body to burn fat all right, and then we start to burn fat. We bring it into the liver and our liver, creates ketones, and the goal of ketones is to provide an energy source when food isn’t available for the brain in particular or other cells of the body can run off of fatty acids, but fatty Acids don’t across the blood-brain barrier, so the brain in the absence of food without ketones starves, and we call this hypoglycemia okay and oftentimes.

When people have a low blood sugar they end up. Getting very, very irritable, have headaches different issues like that. Well, ketones come in and they provide that fuel source. They are water, soluble molecules, smaller and fatty acids that can cross the blood-brain barrier, go right into the cells and be used by the mitochondria for fuel and that helps you keep very mentally stable.

And so, when you’re in ketosis, there’s, a lot of benefits for the brain and, of course, when the insulin is down, we now burn body fat for energy, and so the benefits of a ketogenic diet obviously improve fat burning.

Because that’s, what we’re using to produce the ketones mental clarity and sharpness, because ketones are a preferred fuel source for the brain and they’re, a clean energy source. What that means is they’re able to produce rampant amounts of energy and very little metabolic waste, so they’re, a very, very clean energy source.

They reduce oxidative stress, so not only we get great energy, but they also reduce inflammation and improve our skin quality. They also help help with satiety and that’s, because we get this very stable level of blood sugar and when it comes to cravings form, the hormones, insulin and cortisol or stress, hormone and insulin, play a big role in that.

Because when we’re having blood sugar, big swings in our blood sugar that ends up creating more of a desire for for food and for sugar, and a lot of that has to do with reactive hypoglycemia, where our blood sugar drops too low.

And our brain doesn’t, have the backup fuel source doesn’t have the ketones. So now it’s. Saying oh, I need I need some sort of sugar, any quick fuel because I’m starving, so that’s, a big issue now you know ketones also help fuel our mitochondria and improve mitochondrial health as well, and overall we get an Anti-Aging effect right, they’re gonna help, promote longevity and reduce our risk of chronic disease, and so three common causes of keto side effects, some individual when they go into ketosis, will have unwanted symptoms right, and you know this is all part of The adaptation phase, one is hypoglycemia so basically to low blood sugar and all of these actually go together, HPA axis dysfunction, which some people call adrenal fatigue, or it’s.

Basically, when our brain is not able to communicate effectively with our hormones okay, with our adrenals and with our thyroid and different things like that. And then also electrolyte imbalances, and so all of these kind of work together.

And so when we look at hypoglycemia, we know that, for example, that would be like a blood sugar under eighty okay, it’s typically considered hypoglycemic. However, when you’re keto adapted, you can easily have a blood sugar under eighty, but feel great, whereas when you’re hypoglycemic, when your blood sugar drops under eighty, your body goes into a panic and it says oh, my gosh.

We don’t have enough sugar for the brain, so we end up getting cravings. We feel irritable and tired. We get angry right. We’ve, experienced that before we’re, not able to concentrate well, we end up with a lot of unwanted symptoms, as opposed to when we’re fat or keto adapted we ‘

Ve got the ketones in the group in the brain. Now we actually feel really good blood sugar under eighty we feel really clean. We don’t have cravings. We feel strong mentally clear. We feel fantastic, okay, but our body ‘

S got to get used to creating the ketones, build the metabolic machinery to create the ketones to be able to utilize them as the energy source. So seven key ways, because sometimes you know when people have unwanted symptoms, they end up developing something called the keto flu or they feel really bad and basically it’s, all these same symptoms of hypoglycemia and so number ones back off carbs slowly.

So if you’ve, you know been consuming 300 grams of carbs 400 grams of carbs daily. It’s, not a good idea. Just all of a sudden, in one day drop your carbs to you, know 50 grams or 20 grams of net carbs, or something like that, because that can be too extreme.

Some individuals will be able to handle it, but it’s kind of like going from being sedentary to running. You know a marathon okay, you’re gonna be really you’re gonna be a lot of pain. If you do that, and so I recommend slow, gradual reduction roughly fifty to maybe a hundred grams of carbs, depending on where you started from each week.

So if you started out 400 grams of carbs, you just kind of back slowly, the next week you drop it down to 350 or 300 grams okay each day and then drop it down a little bit lower the next week. Okay, you’re slowly.

Reducing and you’re increasing healthy fats. You also want to increase your salt and mineral intake, and we’re gonna talk about trace mineral rich foods that I recommend as well. We want to hydrate, our body really well be getting exercise: okay, hydration and minerals so important.

When it comes to preventing the keto flu, we want to keep stress under control and really prioritize sleep and if all else fails in some cases, increase carb intake a little bit okay. So this is what happens.

Myrtle low-carb diet or insulin drops, which is what we’re, trying to accomplish now that’s, why we do it if we’re on for fasting or if we are going low, carb insulin drops, so we get increased Insulin, sensitivity and what that means is insulin retains sodium.

I talked about that with high blood pressure, how it retains sodium and it retains water, so we end up losing sodium and losing water. So in the beginning stages we can dehydrate until the body adapts to this.

We can easily lose too much salt and water and feel really bad. Okay. When we’re dehydrated like this will end up feeling, you know, oftentimes have a headache. We will feel really really tired, irritable.

You know and just not feel good, sometimes nauseous. So it’s, the symptoms of the keto flu, so it’s, really important to add back electrolytes and salts. Okay, again, I’m, going back to my strategy for slow carb reduction.

This is kind of the keto novice approach. If you’re new to keto, okay, it’s, a good strategy to take – and I go through this in much more detail in my book. But basically, what you want do is try doing a daily fast from 14 to 16 hours.

So what would that look like? That would be looking like basically eating well actually, week 1, I should say if you, if you look here, you start with a 12-hour fast. So if you finish dinner at 7 p.m don’t consume any more food until 7 a.m. the next day. We call that the simple fast it’s very easy fast to do so. That’s. The first thing you do is you kind of set a clock as far as when you’re gonna eat your meals, and then I recommend doing keto or very low carb meals early in the day, and then you have more carbs in the Evening so, depending on where you were when he started, okay, let’s, say you added up your normal carbohydrate load and you were consuming 300 grams of net carbs total carbs fiber.

If you did that, then you’d, want to drop the first week down to around 200 or 250 okay. So fifty one hundred gram a week drop, so you would do 200 250 grams of net carbs a day for the first week and then you would drop it again.

Another 50 to 100 grams right. So you’re, looking at again 150 to 200 grams of net carbs, so it’s. Gonna take you several weeks to get into the zone where you’re somewhere around 20 to 50 grams of net carbs.

Okay and that’s kind of the gradual reduction in order to get in now with the keto novice approach. What we try to do is we consume more of those carbs in the evening for our dinner meal. Okay and the reason, why is that our our glycogen, our stored glycogen, will be low okay? Well, we use it up during the day and by eating low carb.

During the day, we end up with less cravings throughout the day. Okay and then we consume a little bit more in the evening which activates our thyroid hormone. Okay, so we back load the carbohydrates and then week two we do kind of the same, but we increase our fasting time to 14 hours.

As I explained there, and then we reduce those amount of carbs, okay and then we get into in a sense the keto zone, right where we are trying to get about 70 % of our calories from fats, somewhere around 25 to 30 % of our calories from Protein and roughly 5 percent, or so from net carbs, okay, so it’s kind of the slower reduction to get into ketosis and trying again maintaining a daily fast 14 to 16 hours.

So if you’re already experienced with keto, but you’ve been off of a ketogenic lifestyle for a little bit, then what I recommend is like: let’s say you took you know a month offer on the holidays Or something like that: try cutting the carbs in half right! Basically, you know! So if you’re consuming 200 grams of carbs a day cut it down to a hundred.

Do that more so in the evening and then on week two, you jump right into the 30-day keto program and you go right through that and so again things to consider make sure that you are hydrating well make sure you’re using magnesium supplementation.

Would be really helpful for our HPA axis magnesium is like an adaptogen, really really helps our body. Adapt to stress in our environment consume high-quality salt, good quality, sea salt like Himalayan sea salt or Redmon’s.

Real salt is good and then trace mineral rich foods. These are my favorite sea vegetable, like nori, dole sea kelp. Things like that, so good for the body, wild-caught fish, really great source of trace minerals, fermented foods like sauerkraut kimchi, different things like that could be powerful.

Dark green leafy, veggies, avocados, pasture-raised, eggs, pink salt, sweet. I talked about the Himalayan salt or Redmond’s. Real salt, celtic sea salt is another good one: bone broth or vegetable broth.

Olives. You know a lot of people do olive oil, but olives are also a really, really good source of trace, minerals and healthy fats, grass-fed butter or ghee and grass-fed meats. These should be some of the priority points in your diet.

You’re looking to get these foods in your diet on a regular basis. You look at that list. You think, okay, I’m gonna get a lot of these kinds of foods in my system on a regular basis and then you know troubleshooting weight loss right, so a lot of people will lose weight quickly.

Some people will hit a plateau. So with that, I want to look at a couple things person a may not be doing keto correctly and getting into ketosis, and in that case you know they may not be testing. They may still have cravings things like that.

The way you know you’re getting into ketosis is you can go long periods of time without food, ok and still feel great right feel mentally clear. You know you can go 24 hours without food, feel mentally clear and be able to be very productive.

That’s, a sign your body’s producing and utilizing ketones. Ok! Now you should also test. If you’re, not familiar with this, you can test and your blood ketones should be somewhere between 0.5 to roughly 3 mmols.

You’re, probably not gonna get up much above 3 unless you were taking exogenously tones or you are doing an extended fast. Okay, if you’re, not there. If you’re, not at least 0.5, you’re, not getting into ketosis.

Your insulin is still too high, and so you need to really look at your diet. You may be eating too often, which I do see. I’m on you know. A lot of people are eating 3, 4 or 5 times a day. You may need to drop it to 2 times a day or maybe even once a day to really get that insulin down in our control.

You may also be having a stress response: maybe you’re drinking coffee in the morning, and your body is responding in a not such a good way and producing too much insulin and it’s, causing an increase in your blood sugar And your insulin, that would be a problem now, would not not allow you to get into ketosis.

So sometimes you’ve got a test around that, so that’s person. A we got a really dial in getting into ketosis person B. Is struggling with an underlying thyroid or adrenal issues, so we’ve got to support the thyroid and the adrenals.

We need to really focus on reducing stress, really optimizing sleep, helping improve liver function, liver and gallbladder function, which I’ll talk about here shortly, we also need to you know, help those people, you know basically adapt to stress more effectively, get outside go ground on bare feet on in grass, dirt or sand to help reduce electromagnetic stress on the body and doing things like dry, brushing The skin actually is really helpful in therapeutic sunbathing can be really helpful for those individuals.

The sun rays can be really positive and stimulating red light therapy is another one that’s, really supportive for thyroid and adrenal hormone. So these are just some strategies. I talked a lot about it in the book.

I go through a number of different strategies to support the thyroid and adrenal. Sometimes we need thyroid hormone right. We need to bring in some thyroid hormone or something like selenium to help with the thyroid, maybe adaptogens and magnesium, for the adrenals adaptogens like ashwagandha or rhodiola, origin saying cordyceps.

Things like that can really be supportive for the adrenals and the thyroid person see adrenal and thyroid seem to be working well, okay, they’re in ketosis, and but they’re, still not losing weight to hit a plateau.

So for these people we need to actually increase the amount of stress on their system, so we need to actually increase exercise and get them doing the right type of exercise. High-Intensity interval training resistance, training to build lean body tissue.

We need to do a little bit more fasting. Maybe an extended fast, maybe a three four five day or more water fast may be really beneficial, for that person may be doing a tighter eating window. So maybe they’re, doing like a 16-8, where they’re eating their meals, an eight-hour eating window.

We might need to tighten that up to where they’re eating in a 4-hour eating window or just doing one meal. A day to help get the extra stimulus of stress, so they can burn fat Co. We also may need to add in temperature changes doing things like sauna therapy or cold showers or some sort of cryotherapy to really stimulate their body to burn more fat for fuels.

So those sorts of stressors we call them hormetic stressors, where there are stressors that make us stronger, can really help with burning through body fat and burning through plateaus. But again you want to make sure person C is not person B, because person B their system may be overwhelms right.

They may be dealing with chronic infection, for example right like epstein-barr viral infection or h, pylori stomach infection. That needs to be addressed, and we start to you know, increase the amount of exercise and things like that and and doing temperature changes and their body is not adapting to it and they actually actually can make them worse.

So this is where we’ve got to address these issues in my book. I have a detailed questionnaire that helps you understand which of these categories you fall into and actually have another category in there as well.

That is food sensitivities. Sometimes you just are dealing with some food sensitivities. Maybe you’re eating, something like dairy or coffee, that your body’s. Creating an immune response to now dairy for one person may work great right.

They may be able to eat cheese and do fantastic or drink coffee on a daily basis, and you great, but for you you may not be so. You want to see what kind of food how you’re, responding to certain foods, and you can check your blood sugar about 30 minutes after eating a meal and see how you respond like drink coffee in the morning check your blood sugar.

30 minutes later, if it’s high, if it’s jumped up more than 10 units, then that’s, a sign! You’re, having a stress response to that coffee. So you don’t want that if you’re eating cheese and you’re noticing that you know you feel sluggish or you know it’s causing digestive issues or you got ta clear your throat a Lot or your blood sugar goes up.

Those are signs that you may not be responding well to it. So the the food sensitivities that I will see, people sometimes have on a ketogenic lifestyle, are gonna, be dairy proteins, so things like again my cheese, for example.

That would be a perfect example, sometimes heavy whipping cream, also eggs or a common ones. A lot of people are having immuno-reactive to the eggs. Even though eggs are a great food, your immune system may still be responding poorly to it.

So, for you at least this particular time, it may not be good coffee, nuts and seeds and then nightshades like bell peppers, okay, that those are common ones that I’ll, see people struggle with. Sometimes you could try elimination, diet and remove okay.

Now again, here’s, signs that you may be dealing with adrenal fatigue. Okay, if you’re craving salt throughout the day, you need minerals to create a stress hormones, so it’s very important that we’re.

Getting that in that’s, a sign that you may be dealing with this if you’re, frequently getting ill. If you’re dealing with mood disorders, okay, that’s issue with the brain there. Okay, if you’re trying to ketogenic diet, you’re noticing all these different types of issues trouble sleeping at night, brain fog.

These are signs that you have adrenal fatigue or HPA axis dysfunction. I want to really focus on minerals, trace, mineral rich foods, lots of good, healthy salts in the system, good hydration, going out for walks not doing excessive exercise, but walking movement is very therapeutic, also making sure that again, you’re.

Getting some healthy sunshine grounding: your body can be helpful. Epsom salt baths can be really helpful. The magnesium sulfate coming in now here are symptoms of hypothyroidism right, so decreased libido fatigue.

A lot of these are cross over because the adrenals and the thyroid play a big role now, a big one that I see with with thyroid is loss of the outer third of the eyebrows. So you look at the eyebrows, the outer third sort.

You start to lose that it’s classic with not getting enough thyroid hormone. Okay, you may also see – and I’ve – seen this with people where they go on a ketogenic diet and their cholesterol goes way way way up.

Okay – and this often times can be a thyroid issue as well, because thyroid hormone helps to create sensitivity, create I’m. Sorry yeah thyroid hormone activates, the LDL receptor, so the LDL now can up take the the LDL receptor can up take the LDL particle and clear up from the bloodstream, so sometimes the elevation and LDL that goes way up.

It can be an issue with hypothyroid. It can also be an issue with bile flow that needs to be addressed as well, so key things that I like to analyze when it comes to thyroid. Most doctors are not testing doing enough labs on it, so these are the labs that I look at.

I look at vitamin D levels which play a big role with how the immune system is responding and how well the thyroid is is responding. I’m. Looking at your t4, you’re free t4 or free t3 or TSH, which isn’t even listed there, but we’re gonna look at PSA tracer, which is a brain hormone that tells the thyroid tells the thyroid To produce thyroid hormone, we’re, going to look at reverse t3.

Reverse t3 will elevate when you have high cortisol high stress hormone. We’re gonna look at b12. B12 is really important for energy for thyroid function. We’re gonna get iron panels in ferritin. I’ll, see a lot of people that are slightly anemic oftentimes because they’re.

Not they’re, not absorbing iron effectively because they have low stomach acid, or maybe they have excessive bleeding excessive menstrual bleeding, or something like that. C-Reactive protein homocysteine, which is gonna, look at how well we’re methylating.

How well our nutrients, like folate, b12, b6 and b2 are working. We’re gonna look at your liver enzymes, which play a really important role in converting your inactive t4 into active free t3. So all of these things are important to be looking at and then, of course you know bottom there I saw fasting insulin levels looking at that as well.

So these are things I like to look at when it comes to these sorts of labs now hacks to improve your ability to metabolize and use fat for fuel number one. You want to remove inflammatory fats that’s.

Gonna be things like: corn oil, soybean safflower, cottonseed oil. These are really really bad oils, bad fat, so we want to get rid of, and instead we want to be using good, really good, healthy fats that’s.

Gonna be like things like coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil, tallow, which is beef, fat butter, grass-fed butter or ghee. You know these are really really good, healthy fats. We also want to incorporate some MCT or SCT oils.

You can actually SCT our short chain. Triglyceride oils, it was actually a sec oil product. You can also get use like butter and ghee, which are rich in short chain triglycerides, which are easier for the body to break down and metabolize MCT oil.

You can find as well. I, like a c8 purified. Only coconut-based MCT oil, which turns into ketones immediately in your system. We want to use bile healthy foods, support our stomach acid levels, optimize hydration, use ox bile and enzymes at times and add bile salt support, especially if we have really sluggish bile flow, or maybe we don’t, have a gall bladder, then using things Like ox, bile can be really really helpful here, so here are symptoms that your digestive system may not be working well, if you have occasional bloating and gas, particularly, you know, after you’re done eating feeling full after eating.

Only a small quantity of food indigestion – maybe some acid reflux things like that and bow irregularities such as diarrhea, loose stools or constipation. We want to support that digestive tract, so here are foods that will help with good bile flow and they also help with stomach acid production, see stomach acid sterilizes food when it gets into our stomach that’s.

Important reduces the bacteria levels on the food, and on top of that, it also helps break down protein and helps us absorb minerals, okay, bile, then now the stomach has to be very acidic right. In fact, at rest, our stomach acid should be around 3 to 3.5. Ph now water is neutral 7.0, so that’s, pretty acidic 3 to 3.5 acidic enough to where that sort of acid would burn our esophagus. However, not a sick enough to really sterilize the food and also to to absorb minerals things like b12 and break down protein, so we can absorb amino acids effectively.

So when we eat a steak, we need to drop that pH from 3 to 3.5 down to 1.8. To 2.2, that’s, a huge drop, huge reduction in stomach acid, our huge production, it’s, a it’s, an energy demanding process in the body.

So these kinds of foods will help with that and then once we get the stomach acid really love and it’s, eating the food and and now it creates something called a bolus which is basically partially digested food with the acid on it.

Now it gets into the small intestine, it hits certain receptors and those receptors say: okay, Wow, very acidic. We’re gonna release, a lot of bile bile is alkalizing and the small intestine needs to be an alkaline environment.

So bile now comes out. It emulsifies fats like soap breaking down grease, so it breaks that down into smaller particles that we can digest and use for fuel, and on top of that, it also is a sterilizing agent.

So it helps kill bacteria, and this doesn’t allow for bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine. So when we have something like bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine, which can create a lot of gas and bloating and things like that digestive issues, it’s, a sign.

We’re, not producing stomach acid bile effectively. These are the best foods for supporting stomach acid and bile production. Apple, cider, vinegar, put a tablespoon in your water drink that before your meal, artichokes eat these on a regular basis, lemons and limes.

You can. You can use those kind of like the apple cider, vinegar, squeeze them in water, put them on food meat, vegetable dishes. They’re fantastic for that loaded with vitamin C and acids potassium bioflavonoids really good for the body parsley.

So parsley is great for stimulating liver and bio flow, and you know if you don’t have a gallbladder, you’re still producing bile, okay, and you want to make sure your bile ducts are really really clean and healthy.

Parsley will help with that consume parsley in all your meals that will help with cleansing cleaning your bile ducts cucumbers, celery, mint, cilantro radishes. I eat radishes almost every day milk thistle, which is a great supplement to use dandelion greens, which you can eat or supplement with tumeric ginger sauerkraut.

I try to have a little bit of sauerkraut every evening with my meal, where I’m, where I’m, typically eating meat and vegetables and green tea as well right, really really great for stimulating bile and stomach acid.

Now you can also use a supplement. This one now put a lot of people on especially again. If you don’t have a gallbladder, or maybe you know we’ve. Seen through your labs on through your symptoms, that you’re, not producing enough stomach acid.

Okay, then we’ll use super digest, HCl, which has hydrochloric acid ox file and pancreatic enzymes in there to help your body metabolize the food more effectively. Now here is a way to know we’ll, go back to this slide and here’s.

A way to know if you don’t have good stomach acid. If you eat a steak, just a steak and you feel like it just sits in your stomach. You have acid reflux and you feel bad. You just don’t feel like you digest it.

Well that’s, a sign! You’re, not producing enough acid, because you need that acid to break down the steak here’s, a sign that you’re, not producing enough bile. You eat a fatty meal. Maybe you have a protein shake and you use full fat, coconut milk or you put a big oven o in it or something like that or you have coffee with like two tablespoons of butter and then you feel nauseous and queasy afterwards and maybe have pain in Around like the right side of your your stomach and then you get diarrhea, you just feel really bad.

That’s, a sign of poor bile flow and your bile ducts are not working well right or you may have had your gallbladder taken out already. These are all signs you, don’t, have good bile flow now, the way you know, if you have small intestinal bacterial overgrowth right or poor pancreatic enzyme production would be.

You eat a bowl of broccoli, steamed broccoli, you eat a bowl of it. Normally, you should feel good and instead of feeling good, you feel like you’ve got a lot of bloating and cramping and gas okay, so these are ways that you can kind of figure out.

What’s going on self-diagnose there and give you some biofeedback, but the good thing is all of these foods right here that I’ve got listed, will help all three of those conditions: low stomach acid. They’re.

All going to help support that poor bio flow, they’re all gonna help with that and bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine they’ll all help with that, because these are what we call bitters. They’re bitter herbs.

Bitter is good for your liver. Bitter is good for stomach acid production. Bitter is good for your small intestinal health as well, so really good stuff to use. You can make teas out of a lot of these things.

Dandelion tea ginger tea things like that green tea, of course, but you know you want to be consuming these gonna really really help your body. So these are a great part of a ketogenic lifestyle is adding in these sorts of bitters and herbs and they’re very low carbs, so they’re, not gonna.

Take you out of ketosis. In fact, all of these will actually help stabilize your blood sugar more effectively and help you digest your meal, because we’re, not producing enough stomach acid, bile and pancreatic enzymes.

You will cause more stress on your system when you eat, even if it’s, a low carb meal, you will cause more stress which can cause higher levels of blood, sugar and higher levels of insulin. So these are gonna help you, if you have adrenal fatigue, if you have thyroid dysfunction, if you have, you know really any sort of issue consuming these kinds of foods are gonna really help.

So I’d, highly recommend that, and to go a lot more. You know just a really detailed plan how to utilize all these things. I highly recommend checking out my book, the keto metabolic breakthrough, where you’ll love it. I got it, you know if you see my video here, I got it right here and you’ll, see it’s, full color right, full color, lots of images, really large font, okay questionnaire in there. So the questionnaire really helps.

You understand what might be causing a metabolic plateau where you are what your potential roadblock is: lots of recipes over 50 great recipes using a lot of these sorts of bitters and different things like that.

These herbs so really great book that you ‘ Ll love, so I highly recommend getting it. I think you’ll, get tremendous value out of it, and also you know if you’re interested in work. If you have a thyroid issue, adrenal issue some sort of chronic infection whatever it is, you’re.

Looking to improve your health check out my clinic Exodus Health Center in Kennesaw Georgia, you can work with myself, my chiropractor dr. Audrey, Bedford or my nutritionist Melissa Nour, and we work with people all around the world, but also locally in our clinic as well.

So you can check that out as well. So with that said guys. Hopefully this is a great training for you and guys I’ll, see you guys on a future online video. If you haven’t subscribed to my youtube channel.

I would highly recommend doing that and also hitting the bell button, which is right next to the subscribe. That way, you get notification every time that I put on a new video, so you’ll, get that training and be able to listen to it, and I always try to provide really really high value trainings.

So if you enjoyed this, you’ll, you’ll enjoy being a subscriber. So with that said, people asks everybody have a wonderful day.

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