EP 4 – The Best Keto and Fasting Strategies with Ben Azadi FDN-P

Hey guys! Welcome back to the Dr. Jockers Functional Nutrition Podcast, where we really look at nutrition and our lifestyle strategies as biological information that tells our genes how to express themselves.

We can express positive, healthy genetic expression and really live our best life or if we’re, not following the right principles, we can express disease and really turn on disease-causing genetic traits, and so today we’re gonna talk about keto And fasting, and I’ve got my friend Ben as Edie and Ben Ben.

Is that how you pronounce your last name: ZD Horizonte, Azadi, the second way there you go as Adi there we go so Ben. I just recently met a few months ago and he’s, just an awesome guy. He is a functional diagnostic nutrition practice which I found actually have one that works for me as well.

I found the fdn Peas to be some of the sharpest people out there, so it’s, not surprised that Ben works as an FD NP. So he’s. Uh he really gets to the root cause. Does advance lab testing to help people and he’s on a mission to help 1 billion people live healthier lifestyle and he’s, written three best-selling books, the perfect health booklet, the intermittent fasting cheat sheet and the power of sleep, and He is the founder of keto camp, the go-to resource for intermittent fasting and a ketogenic diet.

He’s, known as the health detective because he investigates dysfunction and educates that doesn’t medicate to bring the body back to normal function, and you know he definitely is a – is really really sharp.

So I’m. Looking forward to this conversation, we’re gonna talk, all things keto and fasting, so Ben welcome to the podcast doctor truckers. I am so grateful to be here of a huge fan of your work. So thank you for having me absolutely well Ben.

I know you’ve, been putting out a lot of content and been growing fast on YouTube, which is great. Your podcast is doing great, got some awesome guests and you’ve been helping, so many people – and I’d – really love to hear your story, how you got into natural health yeah? Absolutely so, for most of my life, dr.

Tucker’s, I was actually obese. The first 24 years of my life growing up with parents who immigrated to Miami Florida from Iran. They did the best they can with what they had and my mom and dad got divorced.

My mom pretty much raised me and my sister by herself and she had three jobs. One of those jobs was an assistant manager at Kentucky Fried Chicken. So she would bring me home just about every single night, some Kentucky Fried Chicken and being a kid I ate that Kentucky Fried Gentile of KFC.

When I was little oh, my gosh yeah, it was my go-to. I had way too much of it, but yes me too, so I had that food and my environment was poor and I’m, a true believer that we become our environment, my environment, growing up.

It was pretty much left to my own devices and the crowd I grew up with in Miami Beach. Specifically, they were about bad crab crab. They were doing drugs, selling drugs playing video games all day and I became a part of that environment and showed with my mental appearance and also my physical, my mental traits and my physical traits.

So I was thinking negative thoughts. I also looked Opie’s and I was mentally obese. At the same time, this transferred into my adulthood fast forwarding down to 2008 2009. I was 24 years old and this was a pinnacle in my life because I was obese weighing 250 pounds and my ex-girlfriend she broke up with me at the time.

We were together for almost four years, and she left me because I all I wanted to do is play video games and just eat a poor diet. Mmm and I was lost in life, and it was really bad to the point where I was just tired of hurting every single day I was crying every single day.

I was afraid to be in a room by myself, because every time I was in a room by myself, I just I was thinking bad thoughts and I got so bad that I would actually go on the internet several times and look for ways to.

In my life, because I was tired of hurting and every time I did that, I would think about my mother, and I would think about what I would leave for her. And it would just stop me and – and I believe that if I didn’t have my mother in my life, I would have probably ended my life because I was just so tired of hurting, and I knew at that point in my life that I was not going to take my life.

I was going to fight on. I didn’t know how, but I knew I was going to fight on, and this is a point in my life where books entered my life, so the books, if you’re watching you see the books behind me.

I start to read from the authors like Wayne Dyer and Bob Proctor, and these late out there, and it really just opened me up to a whole new world and for the first time in my life, I took responsibility over my results or the black thereof results.

So I took responsibility. I started to focus on my health. I started to do things like p90x and these Beachbody programs and nine months later I went from 250 pounds down to 170 pounds. I went from 34 % body fat down to 6 % body fat, so I finally carved out a physical six-pack, but I tell people that more importantly than the physical six-pack I carved out a mental six-pack and that I’ll.

Take that over a physical one any day of the week and that’s. What started my journey in the health space yeah? I love how you talked about that you were mentally obese right and now you have you mentally, have a six-pack and so yeah it’s, a transformation.

In our mind I mean I think, that’s, really where it all starts so yeah it’s, powerful yeah. So let’s. Talk about some of the strategies you used to lose weight as you got started. What did you do with your nutrition yeah? It’s, interesting, because what I did back, then, is not what I would teach now.

So an important lesson for myself was that I got fit, but I was one of those fit sick people out there who had custom issues and acne my liver was all beat up. So what I did was any kind of change would have gotten me results.

So I did excessive exercise. I ate lower fat, so not keto kind of like the opposite of ketone every two to three hours, but I was so active and I might die just changed completely. Then it got me results.

So here I was 170 pounds six-pack ABS, but I felt like crap. My skin was inflamed, so I wasn’t healthy. What I did to get healthy was, you know, experience experimenting with different avenues, and I we could share about about that.

If you want, but what I did was not what I would teach nowadays yeah, I would love to hear your journey cuz. I mean it’s, so true that that strategy, if you’re, if you’re obese and you go down to the low fat diet and you’re doing small meals, it will work to a certain Degree and and you can definitely lose weight that way a lot of people have, but you’re, not really dramatically improving your health.

So I’d, love to hear your journey in your progression, yeah exactly so. I wasn’t healthy, but I was fit or at least on the outside, but I was bloating a tissue for my digestive system. I knew something: wasn’t right so start to read different health books and that’s.

Where I actually got into the vegan diet – and I read this – is before I knew – how to kind of read studies and decipher what’s actually legitimate purposes. What’s? Not so I read the China Study. This is now back in 2012 2013 and it convinced me that the vegan approach to plant-based 100 % plants is the way to go, and I did that for for 15 months.

Actually, it was strict vegan, the first few months I felt fantastic. You know my skin cleared up. I was performing better in the gym. My hormones felt better and then I hit this wall, but I put myself in this dogmatic box thinking that this was the end-all diet for everybody, and it hurt me because my health suffered as a result.

So now I’m 15 months into it, and I knew that I had to make a change and this is actually when I started to get into your work. I started reading some of your stuff doctor, pompe Paul Chex work and I started getting into a higher fat learning about a higher fat diet.

You know wasn’t necessary, called keto back. Then some people were calling it that, but they were saying eating more healthy fat, Mediterranean type of diet. So I decided to transition from a vegan diet to a ketogenic diet back in 2013, 2014 and my life just changed for the better.

I started to get amazing results. I even was testing my ketones back then, when I was like seven bucks, a like you, don’t strip and if you messed up that seven bucks, so that’s. What got me started to the keto space and also I started doing fasting back then, and I found these two powerful tools that I still use to this day: yeah, absolutely so that’s such an interesting journey.

So let’s. Let’s, talk about because I know you have specific strategies now that you’ve been working with people, obviously following here genic diet, and I want to go into that. Actually, you know before we do that.

I want to talk about why you decided to become a functional diagnostic nutrition practice. What was the journey with that yeah? I I wanted to have a certification next to my name, because I felt like it was needed when I went and I gave talk so somebody asked me: are you a certified health coach before this? I was, and I would just say no.

I’m. Somebody just reads a whole bunch of books, and you know this is what I’ve learned for myself or for my friends and some of my clients, but I wanted to have some sort of certification. So I was looking or a certification, and I found that there’s, so many out there and they’re, not all created equal and I came across Reed Davis’s, work through Shaun Croxton, who had underground wellness, and I thought maybe this might be a good approach for me, so I looked into it.

I saw what they’re about. They’re about getting doing some advanced lab tests and, like you mentioned earlier, and getting some kind of the root cause of what’s going on and that’s. Resonated with me, so I decided to enroll to the course, and I just loved it.

I just keep that on it every single day, just want to absorb all the information, and they graduated from the course that’s cool and how many years ago, did you graduate from that that was um about three years ago yeah I’ve referred a lot of people to that program.

It’s, a really good program. Oh yeah cool. You said you had somebody on your team who has been certified with it. Yeah absolutely Michael. He actually used to work for me, so he actually used to be one of my writers and health coaches right but yeah.

He was super sharp right, so awesome really enjoyed working with him and I ‘ Ve referred a lot of people to that program. So if you’re out there and you’re listening and you’re, looking for a health coach F DNP is really good.

They have a really good programs, good-good certification and look for so let’s. Talk a little bit about keto and how you look at keto and what are some of the benefits that we can get by getting their body into ketosis yeah.

I always say that keto is not a diet. It’s, a metabolic process and every single culture in the history of this world. As you know, where went into periods of time of ketosis because they were forced to do it and there’s.

A lot of benefits that go along with it. You talk all about it, especially in your new book, the the main things that I see that I had the main benefits. I should say that I I like for keto, but I love about keto, is just my brain gets turned on.

I know when I’m in ketosis, even without checking my glucose and ketones. I’m at the point where I don ‘ T have to do that. I just know I’m just mentally sharp. I’m, able to recall things just like that.

I’m able to deal with any problems that might come my way and I could handle it and turn into an opportunity. So I just love that mental clarity that it gives me, because I know the opposite of that. When I was a pure sugar burner, I would have brain fog, I would have mental fatigue and I wasn’t as sharp and as soon as I made that transition.

Oh my gosh as an entrepreneur, it was a game-changer and I have some high-performing entrepreneurs that I coach and they want me to teach them how to get into because they know it’ll just elevate their business, so that’s.

My favorite one of my favorite benefits of ketosis, is to ketones that fuel was such a clean fuel source, and the analogy that I give is burning glucose. There’s, a very dirty fuel source, and I compare it to a Mack truck that’s, speeding through the highway with all of the smoke coming out of its exhaust pipe right.

It’s, not gonna be healthy. For the environment, it’s, probably not gonna get to its destination safe. But when we transition and teach all 70 trillion cells to burn fat and produce ketones, it’s like a Tesla cruising through the highway cleaner from the environment.

So I teach people how to convert from being a Mack truck to a clean, producing Tesla and the body loves it, because we know it turns on longevity genes. It helps reduce inflammation the byproducts that are created from producing ketones or a shorter list compared to glucose.

A longer list, so that’s, a few of my benefit benefits of it yeah absolutely that’s. Why I follow it at this point in my life, it’s, just all about mental performance, energy, mental clarity. You get tremendous benefits by having ketones elevated in your in your your bloodstream.

So let’s. Talk about. I mean there’s different. You know. Obviously, some individuals are gonna thrive being in ketosis for longer periods and others. So how do you start to differentiate that? Because you know what’s, your thoughts on carb, cycling, feasting and really just going in and out diet variation going in and out of ketosis yeah.

A lot of what I teach is very similar to dr. papa who’s, my coach and mentor. I have my four pillar approach, which we were kind of talking off air about. So the four pillars are a adapt so number one getting fat adapted.

Teaching somebody to go from being burning sugar to burning fat. It’s a 28 day process that I teach my keto camp Academy and once they graduate from that they ‘ Ve earned the badge start doing some intermittent fasting, so I kind of start building them up.

We started at 14 hours fasting so that my second pillar is called fast by the way so 14 hours 16 hours, and eventually we get into a 24 hour fast. Once we complete that we’re ready to go into the third pillar, which is called face now this pillar is about two weeks and it’s, kind of strict keto, meaning very, very low carb, ten grams or less.

We’re, really forcing the cells to only choose fat for fuel for about two weeks to a period of time. Once the person has gotten through those first three pillars, then we have my flex pillar, which I called Kido flexing.

Dr. Bamba might call it duration. You have different names for it, yeah that’s when the person could start cycling out of ketosis and there’s, four different ways. I teach it, but one of them is having one day of the week.

Well, we don’t, we don’t do any fasting, we do high healthy carbs kind of paleo and we teach the body to raise insulin, to make these hormonal conversions to remind the body that it’s, not starting And if you’ve done the work, the right way.

You should be able to go right back into ketosis that next day or the day right after because we’ve achieved this metabolic flexibility. There are always caveat here like if somebody has type 2 diabetes or they’re.

Very they have insulin resistance. Then I’ll, keep them in ketosis a little bit longer and work on building that before I start flexing them out. There’s, also another caveat for for clients or members of my Academy, who are, ladies, who have their monthly cycle.

I teach a little bit different, so the first 12 days, so once they have their period, I tell them hey, you could do keto and fasting all you want once they hit day 12 to day 14. I actually tell them to have more high healthy, carbs less fasting to get a little bit more of a the insulin spike for estrogen.

Then day 14 with day 21 back down the street keto and fasting. Excuse me day, 14. The day 21 you got back down strict, keto and fasting and then the last five to seven days leading up to the period. Again we get out of ketosis to get more of that.

Those hormonal conversions there’s, a lot of caveats there and it’s. There’s, no cookie cutter approach to keto and you teach all that all the time so that’s in a nutshell. How I teach it yeah it’s, really important for menstruating women, particularly when they’re, very lean, very thin lean women can oftentimes struggle, and so, like you were talking about day, 14 is basically ovulation and you need this whole explosion Of estrogen progesterone there, and so those carbs really help increase that so yeah.

So there’s strategic times where fasting ketosis, strict ketosis, can be really beneficial, and there’s times where we need to need a push of insulin, because then someone plays a role in the production of estrogen progesterone thyroid hormone.

That are all key there, so it’s, a really good caveat. So I always tell people it’s, kinda, like a bell curve. You got people on one side of that bell curve. The stream that are very insulin resistant.

Those people need to stay in ketosis longer longer periods of time. Sometimes they thrive just always being in a state of ketosis. Then you ‘ Ve got the other extreme on the other side that really need more feasting right.

They need that, in a sense, higher carbs in their diet, and you got most people that are kind of in the middle that do really really well going in and out of ketosis a more frequent basis, and so it seems like you are you’Re for phased program really is a really great program for helping people go through that process, and I, like the way that you’ve, you’ve titled it and the terminology you’re using four.

It’s, real easy for people to grasp what kind of results have you seen with people going through that yeah? Well, thank you for that. By the way you know helped me design it as Sean Croxton. He’s. One of my coach – oh yeah, yeah, so he helped a shout out to Sean.

Oh, he’s. Listening to this amazing results David. You know there’s. Been members posting in the Facebook group. I no longer need my insulin. I got off of this blood-pressure medication and it happens time after time after time, and one of my favorite celebrations is when they say they’ve broken up with their scale.

You know they ‘ Re no longer determines when something is working or not because it just drives people crazy and they put they focused now on non scale, victories right. There are energy levels for confidence, the way their skin looks.

So those are some of the victories I’ve been seeing there. I love it. What are some things that people should know like? You know there’s, certain things. For example, a lot of people are trying to restrict their salt consumption and we know that when you go into ketosis, you actually reduce insulin, and so you don’t, you lose more salts, so you actually need more salt.

What are some other big takeaways that people need to know as they’re trying to transition into ketosis yeah? That’s? What you just mentioned, it’s, a big one. The kidneys will dump a lot from a waterway and you electrolytes will go along with it.

With that being said, also, if you’re drinking coffee, I also throw in sea salt with the coffee. We know. Coffees are diuretic so that’s, a grayish it as you’re losing it, but also what you talk about all the time, which I learned a lot from you by the way, which is the bitters, the bitters beans, good for the Liver Yahoo say I think, that’s.

The number one thing I’ve seen people struggle on the keto diet. Is they can’t break down fat? They know they’re, not they don’t, have the bio flow to do it because their liver has then beat-up, and we know that gallbladder removal surgery has been one of the top procedures in the u.

s.. So if you don’t have a gallbladder, you’ll, have even more difficult time so eating more. The the bitters, the lemons limes talk about the arugula, even dark chocolate. Organic coffee can do it as well.

Artichoke is a powerhouse. You talk about or one of my favorites, oh my gosh yeah, because it builds bile and fiber right. So it’s fantastic, so the bitters are going to be important and then I think it’s.

A good idea, if you’re still having issues with your digestive system and processing fat. Some key toes, maybe take some ox bile, take two capsules of like ox bile before a meal or some apple, cider, vinegar, 38 minutes before a meal.

That’ll help, but here’s, a missing component that I see with keto, I think, with actually with every hologram out there, and this might sound a little woowoo to some people, but love and gratitude. I mean they go a long way.

You could be doing keto perfectly to eating all the bitters having the perfect fasting schedule and exercise and perfectly. But if you have hatefulness in your mind and your thoughts resentfulness every day you cannot heal.

Will dr. Wolfe Cole says you cannot heal a body, you hate and it’s. So true, so something that I do – and I teach in my Academy is to practice gratitude practice. Loving yourself, wake up in the morning and find 10 things to be grateful for love.

You yourself, look in the mirror. Tell yourself you love yourself! That goes a long way and we know we know that stress when you have high amounts of cortisol. What follows is glucose and insulin, and when glucose and it’s, something go up.

Ketones go down, so you got ta, cheat knock yourself out of ketosis, just by being stressed out with your thoughts. So I think that’s. The missing component right there for a lot of people, but I think that’s, powerful and especially coming from you, where you were basically suicidal about 10 years ago.

Right, you were there, it wasn’t for your mom, like you said, probably, would have taken your life and so now and I don’t know you very well, but we ‘ Ve talked a few times and you seem to be like one of the most positive people and I think it has a lot to do with that practice right there.

You’re teaching people this, and you know it really makes a huge difference and so gratitude self-love is so important. A lot of us have faced things like childhood trauma right so like there’s, another keto influencer, and he just didn’t.

He just interviewed me childhood trauma and how that can actually play a role with restricting our ability to lose weight and really get into ketosis. We could get the health benefits that you know we could have had, and so many people have dealt with some sort of trauma whether it was emotional trauma.

Maybe a divorce and the family. You know maybe they were sexually abused or you know whatever it was, and you know those are deep roots that really affect us. Whether we’re thinking, you know. Typically, we’re, not really thinking about it on a day-to-day basis, but it’s deep in our subconscious and we ‘

Ve got to really root that out and we can retrain our nervous system by practices of gratitude. Like you’re talking about yeah, you said it’s. It’s in the subconscious mind, so we’re, not aware that it’s happening, but it, but it’s happening.

So I’ve done a lot of work on myself. I’ve done something a program called Landmark Education to really for blind spots and and help me live powerfully and authentically. So for myself, I can only speak from experience.

You’re right 1011 years ago. I wanted to kill myself now. All I want to do is wake up and create content. I just love what I’m doing, so it’s a whole 180. If I could go from that dark place to what I’m doing now, I think anybody could do it as well.

That’s. True anybody can so let’s talk about fasting. How do you like to practice intermittent fasting on a daily basis? Let’s. Talk about a day in the life of Deniz, Adi yeah. I love fasting. It’s. My favorite thing to talk about.

I know you do too yeah how I practice it personally is I kind of do a 20-hour fasting window and a 4-hour feasting window and I say feasting intentionally. I eat a lot when I do eat yeah right. So I do that, and but I do have coffee in the morning during my fast with some MCT oil and grass-fed butter and sea salt.

So I do a fatty coffee for me. It’s, not giving me a hile insulin, glucose spike, and it works for me for some people like you, my Google spike and it might not work for them so that’s, important to test and know so I usually do that.

Then I’ll, throw in a 24-hour fast once a week. I should probably throw in more days that’s, where I’m, not doing any fasting and find it kind of weird to eat breakfast nowaday. So I do make sure when I do you eat, I’m feasting and probably two days out of the week.

Well, actually, I kind of have a percentage of how long I’m in ketosis versus how long I’m, not, I would say, 80 % of the time I’m in ketosis 20 % of the time I’m, not how works for me is that probably most of the day while fasting, I’m in ketosis, but then, when I feast sometimes have more carbohydrates and I’ll get knocked outta ketosis.

If you want to call it that, but the next morning I’m right back in so that’s kind of the way I do, but I’ve trained my slight metabolic machinery now to get young this point, but That’s. How I have a really I have a really similar strategy as well.

I usually do two days a week where I only eat one meal and then five days a week where I’m eating two meals and when I eat I bring now a lot of food. I mean I’m talking like 1500. Sometimes 2,000 calories, just really I’m, not trying to eat.

You know I’m trying to count my calories. I’m just eating until I’m, say ciated and that’s, so important not to try to restrict your calories, especially if you were at your optimal weight you definitely don’t want to restrict calories.

You want to really eat till you’re, fully satiated that’s, just so important, so that’s. You know that that element of feasting now let’s. Talk about you mentioned the coffee in the morning. What would be a sign without testing, so obviously somebody can test their blood glucose and their ketone levels to see if the coffee is knocking them out of ketosis.

What would be some other signs like what might some of the experience if they drink coffee in the morning and that knocks them out of ketosis yeah? Well, if you feel like you’ve hit a plateau with the results it could be that morning.

Coffee, it could be the the fats are having in there, because your body has to burn that fat before it goes to your body fat. So if you have extra weight to lose that might be slowing down your weight loss, that could be one of them.

Another issue would be: maybe you don’t metabolize, metabolize coffee, that well, are you having it too late in the afternoon, and it has eight hour half-life. So you’re going to bed with that. Still in your system and your sleep is taking a hit because of it, so there’s, a lot of considerations there.

I I do like the process or concept of testing your glucose. If you want to do because it really shows you how well you’re, responding to it and people, ask me all the time I’m sure they ask you to there’s, coffee break a fast well, it really Depends, first of all, what is your definition of breaking a fast for me anytime, a toffee GU stopped, so a top of you who stopped whenever we get a rise in glucose, so I always tell them.

Oh, let’s test your glucose before and then thirty minutes out. For me, I learned this from dr. Palmer by the way and if your glucose goes up more than five points, then for you it is breaking the fast.

But if it doesn’t go up more than five points. Then it’s. Not breaking your, but the only way to know for sure is to text now. Another thing been actually is: if your glucose drops too much cuz insulin when you release insulin, that will also stop on top of gene right, and so what I will also tell people with coffee is: if you drink coffee, you should feel amazing, like coffee.

Is a performance enhancement tool right, so you should actually feel great. It should actually help you fast longer. When you’re drinking coffee, it should reduce cravings. If you’re noticing an increase in cravings right, you drink coffee at 7 a.

m. and in, like 10 a.m. you’re. Having cravings you’re kind of crashing a little bit. You know that’s, feedback that your body, didn’t respond well to it, and you probably had a rise in either blood sugar or insulin that that’s, then causing that that response, so that’s.

Always something that that people can can look at. I’ve, also seen some people that tend to have, even though I don’t overly focus on cholesterol and a ketogenic diet. I found some people that just tend to have very high LDL at times it’s.

Definitely not everybody, but oftentimes. A food sensitivity can be a factor in that and for some people coffee can be a player oftentimes. It’s. Just they’re, not they’re, not breaking down by effectively or thyroid hormones.

They have under conversion, but sometimes there can be a food sensitivity there too. So it’s. Just two things to look at and I’m talking really high cholesterol, like 300 350 through you know, 400 a lot of people freak out when their cholesterol is 250, not a big issue as long as your your ratios are in order, and so I talked a lot about that in my book on my blog, but just a couple things that I’ve, seen I’m, not sure if you’ve seen anything like that as well yeah I have.

It also depends on the type of coffee right, because we know that all coffee is created equal most of the coffee out. There is sprayed with pesticides and herbicides and it’s. Ripping open people’s type junctions.

So I don’t think it’s more of a problem with it’s like an organic shade-grown of coffee. But if it’s, the cheap stuff people going to name names, but they drive through these coffee shops and they’re.

Getting that morning. That’s. Gon na be an issue probably yeah, yeah, absolutely yeah, and then some people are just poor, caffeine metabolizers. So they have to watch the dose. Doesn’t mean they can’t have any, but sometimes they do better.

With a half a cup or a quarter cup, you know, and and so you got ta wash your dose and watch the amount of caffeine other people again, you know you’re responsible to coffee, be wow. This is amazing. I feel like this makes my whole day.

I feel amazing, all day no cravings, I can go all day or a card if you’re, not responding like that. Maybe an issue with how you’re metabolizing, it so yeah great point. Yep, absolutely so let’s talk a little bit more about fasting.

You know you mentioned Natha G. So what are some strategies for people to really get the most out of that otology process? Yeah? Well, you could do a block fast and extended fast. 3. 4. 5 days. Last year, 2019, I did.

I took a group of 20, sometimes 30 people. Every 90 days. I took a group of these people and I took them from being a sugar burner and in seven weeks one week, six, they all completed a five-day fast, whether it was a water, fast or bone broth, fast or a fact, significant diet or some sort of partial Fast and the goal was to achieve this maximal Matata G from dr.

Thomas Seyfried, which is that one to one ratio, glucose divided by 18 compared to the ketones, and we know that if you hit that ratio, your body is just some deep healing motive. Just smashing these senescent cells and your recycling cells and doing great things in the body, so that’s.

One way to do it, however, I wouldn’t, recommend it for everybody. It’s. It fasting is like a muscle, and you really have to have this muscle fine-tuned and develop before you go into a block fast. So having a coach is very important understanding how the body works and how to test – and you know signs to pay attention to isn’t important, but you can’t, get it at Amagi outside of a block fast.

You can get it through some, so I haven’t, seen any studies, and maybe you have, but I haven’t seen what points a top 50 starts during the fast. My estimation for somebody who’s already keto adapted, is probably around the 16 to 18 hour morning.

They’re, starting to get some atop of G’s, so if you threw in 24 hour fast of 36 hour fast, you’ll, get more of the etaf achieve. If you want to add exercise during the fast you’ll get more of the etapa g there’s, also specific ingredients like respect, roll and some extracts, and I think Lions made that could help activate a table with you.

So there’s, several ways to get it: yeah, yeah, absolutely yeah and I think very much like you said you have to be keto adapted. You’re gonna get otology faster. If you’re very lean and keto adapted, you’ll, probably end up, because we just don’t have enough research on that, yet, hopefully uh a lot more on when Auto AG starts really ramps up.

What the kind of critical threshold is, but I think it’s. Gon na range a lot for different individuals, so it’s very fit very metabolically flexible. You’re, probably right. Probably in that 16 hour range 16.

An 18 hour range and then somebody that’s, more insulin, resistant, higher fasting insulin levels – I mean they may need to do you know a three day five day fast, nor to really get that autopsy ramped up.

So I think that that’s, a key factor and, like you talked about there’s, definitely herbs curcumin, tumeric, green tea extract coffee actually enhances otology. So so you can stack those types of things while you fast as long as you respond.

Well, you know people always ask. Can I drink green tea? Can I drink coffee? If you respond well, it’s gonna enhance otology. So I think that’s, key yeah good point, and then you throw the exercise during that fast to get even more yes, absolutely yeah.

Today I just finished for 24 hour fast, and I worked out right at the end of the 24 hour fast before I broke my fast and that’s. Actually, like my favorite workout is a 24 hour workout or 24 hour fast, followed by a workout cuz.

I’m, really running off of high levels of ketones and I need less oxygen consumption. It’s like I just feel like. I’ve, got better recovery actually between sets, while I’m doing that it’s, real powerful stimulator for on top of G, so really good stuff.

I love that. I do that too. I also have my best workouts towards the end of a 24-hour fast when I workout and that’s. The way to do it. If you’re going to workout during the fast you want to do it towards the end of your fast, that’s, you can maximize the benefits that way.

Yeah absolutely – and I always find that you know at the end of the fast I’m, not hungry, but if I keep the fast going for several hours, I definitely start getting cravings and so for a lot of people.

You know if you’re. If your goal is like a certain length of time of a fast definitely helps to wait until towards the end before you before you workout yeah agreed yeah. Let’s. Talk a little bit about your keto camp because I know this is an amazing program that you’ve put together.

So let’s. Talk about how that works, and I know we ‘ Ve got a link for the for the listeners here on how they can jump in on that yeah. The keto camp Academy is just a phenomenal program. It’s. The best thing I’ve ever created it’s.

An online platform where you could join anywhere in the world some monthly membership, where you get access to my four pillar approach that I spoke about, how to practice keto how to go a tizzy keto. Even if you’re advanced, we have advanced strategies for keto and fasting, but it’s much much much more than that, because we know that those are just too powerful tools in the health shed and there’s.

So many others out there. So we talked about there’s, a section called mental six-pack. You know earlier there’s, so many videos on self-development and book reviews. I have special guests come in there and do live trainings, and I also do two group coaching calls every single month where you can ask me questions I’ll answer it for you, and our community is amazing.

The keto campers are fantastic. We’re, supporting each other. We put you in a private Facebook group there’s over a hundred and fifty videos in the keto camp Academy that you cannot find anywhere else and I’m, adding new content in there.

Every single week it’s, a phenomenal program. If you are somebody who wants that guidance, and we want to really learn, understand, keto and fasting and take it to another level, then this might be a great approach for you, yeah guys.

I definitely recommend it. You know. Most of us are gonna respond better when we got that social support, the accountability. So a great you know really friendly guy, like Ben, who’s extremely knowledgeable to help answer our questions.

You know he’s got those two coaching calls every single month, lots of great videos and just a community that’s there to help support you, you’re gonna, have questions along the way you’Re gonna have challenges and it’s, always good to be able to connect with people that are on the journey with you and get those questions answered so absolutely and – and we do have a link, so you can check that out check out The link and we’ve, got a special offer on how to get get going with the keto camp, and so then any last words of inspiration or anything else.

People should really know when it comes to their health journey, yeah yeah absolutely, and thank you for sharing that that the link in there in your podcast, I appreciate that yeah. You know the results that we want to create in life, whether it’s with our health business relationships whatever it is, that’s external, I always starts internally.

It’s really with our thoughts. I believe our thoughts are our greatest power. It has the power to build amazing things and create heaven or to create hell, and we actually control that, and everything starts with the thought.

Bob Proctor said it best. Thoughts become things if you can see it. In your mind, you can hold it in your head, so it’s. Gon na start with you envisioning what you want to accomplish, whether it’s, that ideal body with the energy levels and the relationships with the business.

But it really starts with you believing it before you see it, because a lot of people think you have to see it to believe it, but it’s really backwards. You got to believe it to see it so keep your goals in front of you.

Keep that vision in front of you, whatever you want to accomplish. I believe it’s, so important to write down your goals, keeper goals in front of you. I have a gold card right in front of me right here that I read every single day.

I write down my goals every night and my gratitude every night before bed in the morning when I wake up – and I haven’t missed a day in over three years, and when you get into the habit of doing this, it’S gonna change your life because it’s.

Gon na change, your subconscious programming, the paradigms that you have been programmed the first seven years of your life and if you’re, not getting the results you want in your life, then there are some things that need to be unlearned and relearn, and It all starts with your thoughts, so that’s.

What I would leave for you today, if you want to change your life, you got to change your thoughts and you could create amazing results in your life that’s so powerful, and then I want to really just acknowledge e4b eight for your inspiring Journey, I mean you went from again ten years ago, literally thinking about committing suicide, so you were at such a low place and now transforming yourself to where you’re, just full of positivity, and you’re, an inspiration or helping hundred Thousands of people in your in your groups really helped just helping them, transform their life in their health and taking them from you know a place where they thought helpless to a place where they’re, empowered and really living their best life.

And so you are definitely an inspiration putting out such great content out there, that people are accessing all around the world and I’m, making a huge difference with your life, and so I just want to acknowledge and thank you for everything you’re doing for for the world and for the health community well receive doctor drug tourism.

I admire your work so much and a lot of what I do is because of you. So, thank you for the work that you’ve, been putting out for so many years. Well, thanks! So much and last question: what are your top five foods like if you can only eat five foods for the rest of your life? What top? What five foods could you live on, yeah, avocados for sure, coconuts for sure all those, because then I could turn it to olive oil.

If I need to grass-fed beef, I love that something that’s for so. If I’m going off the scrip of Quito, you know Mexican cuisine is my favorite, some tacos, some pico de gallo, and so often here in Miami.

I can have that, but I don’t. That would be my goat see right. There I got, we got a lot of similarity, a lot of crossover there. So, oh really, oh yeah, that’s, great man, well, thanks again for being on the podcast and for all those that are listening again check out the link.

So you can check out the keto camp. Definitely you can follow been. You know you can check out his website what’s. Your website, then yeah so been azhagi, calm and then definitely check out my keto camp podcast, dr.

Junkers was on there a few weeks ago, amazing at Arby’s, but listen to that and then on youtube as well. Yeah YouTube. He’s. Active on Instagram, so definitely check him out all over there and for those of you listening, remember your life is way more valuable than than you think it is so go out, take action and live your best life.

We’ll, see you soon be blessed.

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